
Give the gift of yourself to Chabad of Palm Beach County and/or its partners. Your compassion…your talents…your time…and your generosity are important to us – and vital to our Jewish family here in the Greater Palm Beaches, in Israel as well as 70 countries around the world. There are so many ways to get involved:

Chabad of Palm Beach County

  • Call (561) 624-7004 or email to serve on committees; assist at special events; solicit others to support Israel and the Jewish people; host intimate fundraising events; or provide clerical support and assist with mailings. You can also become involved with Women’s Philanthropy, Business & Professions and organized groups in gated communities.
  • Call (561) 624-7004 or or fill out the form below to volunteer with the Kind Kitchen of Palm Beach http://thekindkitchen.org
  • Tehillim (Psalms) club

Thanks to all those who have joined the Tehillim (Psalms) club the most powerful book of prayer.
We pray as a group which has more strength, for the sick and needy. Reminder, this week we bless the new month. Don’t forget to say your Tehillim. You can say it in the comfort of your own home
this Shabbat -Saturday, any time during the day. In a joint effort we will be completing the entire book of Psalms (Tehillim)

To join call 561-624-7078 and leave a message for Arielle Warshal. This club is in loving memory of our dear Arlene Warshal

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