
Dear Friends,

Chabad of Palm Beach Headquarters has a warm place for each and every Jew… Chabad of Palm Beach recognizes the value and preciousness of each and every Jew. We are non-judgmental, no matter what level of observance you are on. We wish to invite all Jews, observant, non-observant and anyone who wishes to experience a wonderful warm feeling  towards their beautiful heritage.

We recognize the great qualities each Jew is imbued with from their ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 

Chabad has provided a warm and sheltering environment to millions of families for the past twenty seven years. At our services and programs anyone can feel comfortable. The prayer books are in Hebrew and English. The pages are announced. We take the time to explain the prayers, through stories, parables etc. There is a very special feeling during the prayers, when the air is filled with traditional songs and lots of nice people from various backgrounds.

We also offer loads of community programs for all ages. Chabad of Palm Beach Headquarters located in North Palm Beach is growing rapidly, come and be a part of it!

Attached is a membership form. At Chabad everyone is a member, our doors are open to all. We never turn anyone away due to lack of funds. If you cannot make a commitment for the amounts that are suggested on the form, send what you can. Your donation supports our vital work in the community. Your membership and support, is your vote  for the many outreach activities we continue to offer in this community.

With the Jewish New Year quickly approaching, we hope you will begin as a NEW member of Chabad. It is a two way connection that will bring you and your dear family very powerful blessings and great services. You will find that we all have lots in common. We are people who together share more than three thousand years of history. We are all connected and all one family. Come and join the Chabad Family.

With warm personal regards,

Rabbi Shloime Ezagui
Executive Director

P.s Yizkor plaques are available in memory of a loved one. If you are interested please contact
our office.

Renew your Membership for the new year and recive a discount on high holiday seats

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